Fandango Account Redesign

Strengthening the connection between Fandango and users


UI Intern


January - April 2024


Adobe Analytics


Presented to leadership

01 / Overview

This case study outlines my conceptual redesign project of the My Account page on the Fandango iOS app. Although they are the leading movie ticketing app on the iOS App Store, Fandango lacks a strong emotional connection with its users.  Thus, I asked:

How might we strengthen the emotional connection between Fandango and users?

Project Goals

Engage users

Provide captivating and informative content.

Optimize whitespace

Showcase impactful, action-oriented resources.

Product Preview

Improving clarity in one screen

The redesigned My Account Dashboard page  offers:

  • Feature previews
  • Friendly user interface
  • Space optimization
  • Simplified navigation

An incentivizing reward system

A refreshed looked at the FanRewards screen highlights:

  • Cumulative points view
  • Redemption options
  • User engagement with loyalty features

Connecting brands

The My Movie Journey:

  • Combines Fandango's Rotten Tomatoes and Fandango-At-Home
  • Gives users a complete view of their movie history and activities in one place

02 / Gathering Insights

Today’s Flow

Current flow analysis

Fandango’s current user flow is inefficient: users browse movies, buy tickets, and watch movies.

What could be causing this issue?

  • Average users buy tickets every 2-3 months, leading to periods of decreased app engagement.
  • Implementing dynamic content or personalized recommendations during these gaps can boost engagement.
  • No upcoming movies state wastes the Upcoming Tickets screen

03 / Research

Validating assumptions

Analyzing Fandango’s KnowledgeHound research and 2023 iOS app data, I learned the My Account page has lower traffic compared to the Home and Movie Overview pages, indicating this page has a:

  • Lack of prominence and immediate usefulness
  • Potentially complex navigation affecting user access

Defining primary users

Before designing, I wanted to understand the key users that this project would be targeting. Key questions included:

1. Who are the Fandango app users?

2. Do app users value FanRewards?

3. What frustrates app users?

Through Fandango's comprehensive user research, I identified two primary user segments:

The Escapist

  • 22% of Fandango users
  • Enjoys: Finding a great movie to watch
  • Values: Being the first to know about movies, keeps up with rewards
  • Pain points: Difficulty tracking rewards, lack of personalization
  • Should leave Fandango feeling: Valued and excited

The Ocassional

  • 39% of Fandango users
  • Enjoys: Spending time with friends and family
  • Values: Convenience and efficiency
  • Pain points: Being unable to quickly find the information they need
  • Should leave Fandango feeling: Surprised and interested

A look at competitors

I conducted a competitive analysis of movie ticketing apps and identified key strategies to boost user engagement:

  • Personalized sections like watchlists and movie statistics are common
  • These features effectively incentivize prolonged app engagement
  • Both direct and indirect competitors utilize these strategies

04 / Brainstorming

An interactive sketch session

I conducted a sketch session with the design team, focusing on key elements such as FanRewards, Upcoming Tickets, and personalized content. We prioritized features based on user needs and project scope.

Priority List

Leveraging insights from the sketch session and project goals, I developed a strategic roadmap to prioritize key features based on their impact and feasibility.

  • Prioritized features by user experience impact and relationship-building potential
  • Ensured project feasibility within scope and timeline
  • Strategic roadmap guided the project toward key objectives

I developed a user and task flow to navigate potential user scenarios within the My Account page.

This ensures a seamless user experience, preventing dead ends and providing our Escapist and Occasional users with personalized content to enhance exploration.

05 / Iterations

I iterated through three design phases, refining the project with continuous feedback from the Product Experience team to address gaps, leading to the final designs.

Finding an intuitive layout

I initially experimented with anchored tabs for navigation (Option 1). Upon further exploration, I opted for a single-page scrolling navigation (Option 2) to optimize whitespace and ensure design consistency across the app, as anchored tabs weren’t used elsewhere on the Fandango platform.

Option 1

Anchor Tabs

Option 2

Single-Page Scrolling

Considering order of information

I positioned the "About You" section, a user-specific movie statistic feature, at the bottom of the dashboard to pleasantly surprise users while balancing it with essential features like FanRewards. This:

  • Delights users while maintaining balance
  • Harmonizes with sections and avoids overshadowing key features

Option 1

High Emphasis

Option 2

Medium Emphasis

Option 3

Low Emphasis


Redesigning FanRewards

Today’s FanRewards page lacks a clear visual hierarchy and a seamless user interface.

To address this, I:

  • Used cards for improved visual appeal and organization of FanRewards
  • When there are no upcoming movies, the Upcoming Tickets screen is empty, wasting space.

Card Explorations

I iterated multiple times to develop a rewards display that's easily digestible at a glance. The final design includes:

  • Linear progress bar to show reward progression
  • New yellow color to enhance user excitement
  • Refined hierarchy for optimal user comprehension

Final Screens

I designed and prototyped a total of 17 screens that would be used for the My Account page of the Fandango iOS app. Each set of screens is split up into sections based on the Dashboard, Reward, and Movie Journey.

06 / Comparisons


07 / The Final product

My Account Redesign

Improving clarity in one screen

The redesigned My Account Dashboard page  offers:

  • Feature previews
  • Friendly user interface
  • Space optimization
  • Simplified navigation

An incentivizing reward system

A refreshed looked at the FanRewards screen highlights:

  • Cumulative points view
  • Redemption options
  • User engagement with loyalty features

Connecting brands

The My Movie Journey:

  • Combines Fandango's Rotten Tomatoes and Fandango-At-Home
  • Gives users a complete view of their movie history and activities in one place

Future Considerations

Conducting usability tests

Given the project’s timeline and scope, user testing was not feasible. With additional time, I would prioritize user testing to identify and address any potential gaps or confusion in the My Account page experience.

The future of Fandango and its brands

Integrating Fandango’s brands, Rotten Tomatoes and Fandango-at-Home, into the My Movie Journey section requires careful consideration. A decision must be made on whether this integration will be more seamless or remain limited.


Pacing yourself

This project underscored the importance of a methodical approach. Taking time with each step and building on a solid foundation facilitated the smooth integration of data and research into the final designs.

Designing for edge cases

Managing multiple screens and user-dependent data required attention to various edge cases, such as empty states and multiple tickets. This project allowed me to creatively address these challenges in the design process.